Interview as Exam: Part 4 - Assessment Tools
This is the fourth post in a series on the Interview as Exam. The first outlines why we did it: the causes and consequences for me and my students of doing this kind of assessment. The second explains the first kind of interview we started with in our history department. The third explains how and why we simplified the interview and supported the learning all the way through the course. This post is about assessing the interview. Warning: Learning in Progress! Whenever people ask to see my rubrics or assessment tools for the interview, I have an internal cringe. It's not that I don't like to share ( see my teaching wiki or Twitter ! ) it's that the formal assessment process was really still in process when I left the classroom to work as an instructional coach in 2015. A lot of the initial assessment was kind of "loose." Things did get tightened up over the years, but I've learned a lot in the past few years that I would now apply a little differently...